following The Coral Oasis Limited Editions have been selected by
The Coral Oasis for
First Edition Auction by Tropical Reef Oasis

Limited Edition - Red Wine metallic zoos
First Edition Auction
June 22, 2005
amazing coloration in this zooanthid is spectacular! The body develops
a rich burgandy wine coloration that has metallic highlights. The coloration
extends to the skirt as well as seen in the picture of two polyps. This
rich solid coloration has not been seen in other red zoos. The colony
was originally obtained in 2002 at a local wholesaler. The polyps develop
a deeper hue with lower lighting. The first scheduled reservation fragment
farmed at The Coral Oasis facility will be available thru the First Edition
Auction through Tropical Reef Oasis. Frank Burr is maintaining the main
colony in one of his 120 gallon soft coral propagation systems. In Frank's
captive prop system, the coral is positoned to recieve moderate to weak
light under a dual Power Compact flourescents (10k & Actinic) at a
depth of 16 inches under the lighting. Limited Edition Reservation price
is currently $60 per 3~4 polyp fragment. |

Limited Edition - Blue and Pink A. prostrata
First Edition Auction
July 6, 2005
blue Acropora prostrata has the ability to develop blue tips and blue
base pigmentation. The blue and pink pigments can also occur together
giving the coral a purple coloration. Polyps are extended during the day
and are pink or greenish in color. We believe this is a Acropora prostrata
instead of a Acropora millepora because it tends to develop thin elongated
branches. The Solomons Islands used to export quite a few of these exotic
multi-colored Acropora prostrata (millepora). This particular colony was
grown from a fragment of a Solomons Island coral. By the time of Macna
X in Los Angeles (late 1998), Solomons had completely switched to only
exporting cultured corals attached to cement disks. Many people who attended
Macna X in Los Angeles remember the absolutely incredible Solomons Disks
Bob Mankin had on display. After Solomons made the switch to only cultured
disks, there were some Acropora prostrata branches that were exported
as cultured disks. Many of these were acquired by Bob Mankin of Coral
Farms. I believe that Bob Mankin's disks were then distributed up and
down the west coast. This Limited Edition is actually being grown by The
Coral Oasis who is distributing and growing fragments of this coral from
two seed fragments we acquired from Neal Yahata (Los Angeles). Neal originally
obtained this solomon disk coral from Bob Mankin at Macna X. Neal Yahata
has proven himself to be one of the most successful stony coral reefers
within the US. Frank Burr is propagating this coral in a SPS propagation
tower system at The Coral Oasis growout and distribution facility. The
coral is positoned at about 18 inches from a 250 watt 14,000K Hamilton
Metal Halide. Water current is moderate. Starting in July 2005 The Coral
Oasis is allowed to distribute 1 farmed fragment of this coral per month.
Price is currently $75 per small sized fragment. |

Limited Edition - Tabling A. tenuis
First Edition Auction
August 17, 2005
beautiful Acropora tenuis grows in a table structure instead of the normal
tenuis vertical growth. The body coloration varies from a light green
to a cream color and ability to develop blue/purple tips. Polyps are extended
during the day and are light greenish in color. We believe this is one
of the first true tabling tenuis that has been found. This particular
colony was grown by Scot Karle (Fresno, CA) from a fragment obtained from
a local reefer and is the only known specimen of this unique coral. This
Limited Edition is being grown by The Coral Oasis who is distributing
and growing fragments of this coral from two seed fragments we acquired
from Scot in March of 2005, growth has remained in a table structure.
Frank Burr is propagating this coral in a SPS propagation tower system
at The Coral Oasis growout and distribution facility. The coral is positioned
at about 18 inches from a 250 watt 14,000K Hamilton Metal Halide. Water
current is moderate. Starting in August 2005 The Coral Oasis is allowed
to distribute 1 farmed fragment of this coral per month. Price is currently
$80 per small sized fragment. |

Limited Edition - Mycedium umbra - Bubble Gum Ice Cream Coral
First Edition Auction
September 26, 2005
beautiful Mycedium umbra grows in a encrusting form. The body coloration
is a purple/grey tone with bright pink eyes. This particular colony was
grown by Susan Matney of the Salt Lake City, UT area. The original colony
was obtained by Susan in a local LFS and has been growing this coral out
for six months. This colony is the only known specimen of this unique
coral. This Limited Edition is being grown by The Coral Oasis who is distributing
and growing fragments of this coral from a colony section we acquired
from Susan during our March road trip to the St. George area. This coral
is a slow grower and with lower lighting the colors have grown vivid.
Frank Burr is propagating this coral in a SPS propagation tower system
at The Coral Oasis growout and distribution facility. The coral is positioned
at about 20 inches from a 175watt 14,000K Hamilton Metal Halide. Water
current is low to moderate. Starting in September 2005 The Coral Oasis
is allowed to distribute 1 farmed fragment of this coral per month. Price
is currently $75 per small sized fragment. |

Limited Edition - Acropora sp. - Starburst Coral
First Edition Auction
October 24, 2005
beautiful Acropora sp. was recently discovered growing in a local reefers
tank! The body coloration varies from a reddish base to a cream and turquoise
body with darker tips . Polyps are extended during the day and are a striking
neon bright blue in color which I have not seen captured on a picture
well enough to do it justice. The colony pictured is grown by Hugo Zuniga
aka SniperSPS (Orange County, CA) from a fragment obtained from a reefer
and is a truly unique coral. This Limited Edition is being grown by The
Coral Oasis who is distributing and growing fragments of this coral from
two seed fragments we acquired from Hugo in October of 2005. Frank Burr
is propagating this coral in a SPS propagation tower system at The Coral
Oasis growout and distribution facility. The coral is positioned at about
18 inches from a 250 watt 14,000K Hamilton Metal Halide. Water current
is moderate. Slow to moderate growth has been observed. Starting in October
2005 The Coral Oasis is allowed to distribute 1 farmed fragment of this
incredible coral per month. Price is currently $90 per small sized fragment. |
Limited Edition - Volcano Echino
Echinophyllia sp.
First Edition Auction
November 23, 2005
Echinophyllia sp. colony was obtained from a local reefer (Tracy Grey)
who has had excellent success with finding and propagating very unusual
and distinct corals. The body coloration varies from a burnt orange to
dark red with hints of green in the valleys bright pink/red lava eyes!
looking like something spewed forth from a volcanic eruption! This coral
has a thick plating growth. This Limited Edition is being grown by The
Coral Oasis who is distributing and growing fragments of this coral from
a starter colony we acquired from Tracy in June of 2005. Frank Burr is
propagating this coral in a SPS propagation tower system at The Coral
Oasis growout and distribution facility. The coral is positioned at about
14 inches from a 175watt 14,000K Hamilton Metal Halide. Water current
is slow to moderate. Starting in November 2005 The Coral Oasis is allowed
to distribute 1 farmed fragment of this wonderful coral per month. Price
is currently $60 per small sized fragment.
Limited Edition - XFACTOR Sapphire Polyp Monti
Montipora delicatula
First Edition Auction
December 23, 2005
Montipora delicatula was obtained from Tracy Evans, owner of Living Art
Aquarium in St.George, UT. Tracy found this coral as a small fragment
in one of the tanks at Pacific Aqua Farms in Los Angeles. The resulting
pictured colony you see is after a years growth in Tracy's show system
at his store. Most Montipora delicatula is found as a brown color as referenced
in Veron in Corals of the World, however in Tracy's coral the body coloration
is a light green with a nice pink leading growth edge and has bright Blue
polyps, making this a rare specimen. Very nice plating and layered growth
structure. Simply a stunning coral!! This Limited Edition is being grown
by The Coral Oasis who is distributing and growing fragments of this coral
from a starter colony piece (the 1st frag!) which we acquired from Tracy
during our coral road trip to St. George in November of 2005. Frank Burr
is propagating this coral in a SPS propagation tower system at The Coral
Oasis growout and distribution facility. The coral is positioned at about
14 inches from a 250watt 14,000K Hamilton Metal Halide. Water current
is slow to moderate. Starting in December 2005 The Coral Oasis is allowed
to distribute 1 farmed fragment of this spectacular coral per month. Price
is currently $100 per small sized fragment.
Limited Edition - Shamrock Monti
Montipora turtlensis
First Edition Auction
January 24, 2006
Montipora turtlensis was obtained from Chris Johnson of Phoenix, AZ. Chris
found this coral as a wild colony at an LFS in Phoenix in June of 2005.
The resulting pictured colony seen is after 6 months growth in Chris'
reef system. This Montipora turtlensis has a light blue body coloration
with large shamrock green polyps, a truly stunning coral. Very nice edge
plating and encrusting growth structure. In Chris' system the coral is
positioned at the bottom of the bare bottom tank, new growth is encrusting/plating
along the glass. Lighting is 250w 14k Phoenix with relatively strong flow.
This Limited Edition is being grown by The Coral Oasis who is distributing
and growing fragments of this coral from a starter colony piece (the 1st
frag!) which we acquired from Chris during our coral road trip to Phoenix
in early January of 2006. Frank Burr is propagating this coral in a SPS
propagation tower system at The Coral Oasis growout and distribution facility.
The coral is positioned at about 14 inches from a 175watt 14,000K Hamilton
Metal Halide. Water current is moderate to strong. Starting in January
2006 The Coral Oasis is allowed to distribute 1 farmed fragment of this
beautiful coral per month. Price is currently $80 per small sized fragment.
Limited Edition - Frank's Mystery tort
Acropora tortuosa
First Edition Auction
January 24, 2006
Acropora tortuosa was discovered late 2004 at Pacific Aqua Farms in Los
Angeles as a tiny half inch fragment, 1 year later it has developed into
what you see now!! This coral grows in typical tortuosa form with a slow
growth rate similar to the Oregon tort, body color varies from a stunning
deep blue/purple with a touch of emerald in the deepest valleys between
branches with blue branch and coralite tips. Polyps are a deep green color.
Unbelievable quad coloration!!.We have all the other torts growing in
the same tank and this does not look like any of the others, hence the
Mystery. This Limited Edition is being grown by The Coral Oasis who is
distributing and growing fragments of this coral from the colony grown
from the tiny fragment. Frank Burr is propagating this coral in a SPS
propagation tower system at The Coral Oasis growout and distribution facility.
The coral is positioned at about 14 inches from a 250watt 14,000K Hamilton
Metal Halide. Water current is moderate to strong. Starting in January
2006 The Coral Oasis is allowed to distribute 1 farmed fragment of this
spectacular coral per month. Price is currently $100 per small sized fragment.

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First Edition Auction
February 2006